What happened at Wittenoom?

In the 1950’s, Wittenoom was actually Australia’s sole supplier of asbestos.

Wittenoom is located in Western Australia, close to Tom Price - a major mining area within WA - and also Karijini National Park, one of WA’s most beautiful natural drawcards. It’s approximately 1,400km north of Perth.

It is said that more than 165,000 tonnes of asbestos was mined in Wittenoom between 1943 and 1966, before the Australian Government became aware of health concerns. The government closed it down as it is contaminated with blue asbestos and over 2,000 people including mine workers and residents have died of mesothelioma, the incurable cancer caused by asbestos fibres.

The Wittenoom Closure Bill was sworn into law in March 2022, with the government describing the move at the time as 'a dark chapter in Western Australia's history coming to a close'. People found accessing the area can be prosecuted as there is no safe way to visit the ghost town.

If you have any questions regarding the presence of asbestos at your property, please get in touch with us on 0499 352 603 or info@northwestasbestos.com to discuss asbestos testing or removal.


I suspect asbestos at my business or workplace. What do I do?


The James Hardie Story