Disposing of asbestos safely

Anything to do with asbestos removal and disposal is very closely governed by WorkSafe.

They require all job details and safety documentation prior to a job even commencing, and only someone who holds a WorkSafe compliant asbestos licence can perform this dangerous work.

Once asbestos is removed, it is very carefully wrapped, taped up and labelled. Asbestos is never thrown or aggressively handled as it is such a high-risk material which can become very brittle over time.

From here, it goes to an approved asbestos disposal point in the form of a local tip, or a private asbestos waste facility. Not all local tips take asbestos waste.

Some interesting facts:

  • The asbestos must be taken to the disposal point on the same day is it removed

  • The asbestos must be buried almost immediately by the disposal point

Disposal fees are dependant on the disposal point and the volume of asbestos being dropped off.

We always offer you a receipt if requested so you can rest assured the asbestos has been safely disposed of, and there is no harm to your family, friends, neighbours or the environment.

Remember we are handling an extremely high-risk material. If you are unsure if your asbestos removalist is qualified, take a look at these Questions to Ask which will clarify this for you.

Anyone can do a course and hold a certificate which enables them to work for an asbestos-licenced company, but the company you employ must hold the relevant licence to legally perform the work.

For any questions or a free quote, please do not hesitate to call us on 08 9948 1206 or email info@northwestasbestos.com.


How can you guarantee the site is safe to re-enter?