The Dangers of Using an Unlicensed Provider

Although measures have been put into place to eliminate those who are not properly licenced removing asbestos, it still happens all the time.

Sometimes in order to get work done quickly, contractors will obtain a quote to remove asbestos and receive sign-off from the client, however ultimately do it themselves instead with the client none the wiser. This poses a huge health and safety risk to your family and the public.

We are closely governed by WorkSafe WA, who must receive all paperwork and safety documentation prior to a job’s commencement. 

If you are obtaining quotes to remove ACM at your property, you must be aware if the company is licenced to perform high-risk asbestos work. 

  • An Asbestos Removal Certificate is NOT an Asbestos Licence.

  • An Asbestos Licence is awarded by WorkSafe WA and is the only way a company or individual is qualified within Western Australia to remove asbestos.

Here is how you can tell if your provider has an Asbestos Removal Licence: 

  1. Check their licence number on the WorkSafe WA website by visiting:

  2. Ask for a copy of their Public Liability and Workers Compensation insurance policies - they must be specific to asbestos removal.

  3. Ask them how they intend to clean the site post-removal and if they have a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner as required by WorkSafe.

  4. Ask them who will be performing the Independent Asbestos Assessment and providing certification at the end of the job that the site is safe to re-enter and free of deadly asbestos fibres.

Please get in touch with us on 0499 352 603 or if you would like to discuss asbestos removal with us or obtain a quote.


The James Hardie Story


Working with Building Companies