Keep your family and environment safe with our ‘no compromise’ approach to top quality asbestos removal and project management.

Asbestos Removal Services | Project Management Services | Mid-West, Gascoyne, Pilbara & Kimberley Regions WA

Our asbestos services are available in the following towns:

  • Northampton

  • Kalbarri

  • Shark Bay

  • Carnarvon

  • Exmouth

  • Onslow

  • Tom Price & Paraburdoo

  • Newman

  • Karratha

  • Port Hedland

  • Broome

  • Derby

  • Fitzroy Crossing

… and anywhere in between!

We are also now servicing the Northern Territory, so please reach out.


Did you know you must legally use a professional asbestos removal company, fully licensed by Worksafe WA?

North West Asbestos Solutions specialises in Government, Commercial and Residential asbestos removal and project management services, operating throughout the Pilbara, Kimberley, Gascoyne and Mid-West regions of Western Australia.

North West Asbestos Solutions cover the whole north-west region of Western Australia. Our specialty is the safe and efficient removal and disposal of asbestos.

Whether it be a small residential job or a large-scale commercial project, North West Asbestos Solutions are your experienced team who will ensure the job is done effectively and diligently.

Don’t risk the health and safety of your family and friends. Too many have been lost far too soon from asbestos-causing diseases.

Call us to discuss your project today on 0499 352 603.

Asbestos Removal Pilbara WA

How we approach each job

Each asbestos removal job is different, but the one thing that remains consistent is our commitment to safe work practises and the safe transportation and disposal of the asbestos once removed. 

We apply our Safe Work Method framework to every job, ensuring we are across every single risk and hazard that may exist onsite, and a plan to mitigate these risks as we safely work through removing the asbestos.

Our aim is to leave every job with the guarantee that 100% of the asbestos has been removed and the environment is completely safe and non-contaminated for those using the building or the areas which surround it.

All asbestos is disposed via an approved disposal point. 

Asbestos Removal Pilbara Gascoyne Mid West Western Australia

Areas of Expertise | Asbestos Removal

We specialise in safely and completely removing asbestos from the following areas in your home, business or building:

  • Fences

  • Gutters

  • Roofing

  • Eaves

  • Walls

  • Sheds

  • Flooring

We work in both areas under renovation, or complete demolition projects in residential properties and government/commercial buildings. 

Let us manage your project from start to finish.


Feel free to contact us with any questions., concerns regarding asbestos on your property.

We’d love to work with you to ensure your home or business is safe again.


0410 263 464
0499 352 603